History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Review of Cry Your Way Home by Damien Angelica Walters

| December 13, 2017

My latest review for Mad Scientist Journal is now up. Today, I’m reviewing a short story collection, Cry Your Way Home, by Damien Angelica Walters. Though I’ve read some of Walters’ stories before in anthologies, the stories in this collection were all new to me. They’re creepy and beautiful at the same time. Cry Your Way […]

Review of Of Rooks & Ravens

| November 1, 2017

In September, I posted an interview with Nathan Crowder about his new book, Of Rooks & Ravens. Now, I’ve just written a review of the same book for Mad Scientist Journal. You can check out my review here, and you can find his book on Amazon!  

More Spooky Reads: Volatile Figments is live!

| October 10, 2017

It’s release day for Volatile Figments, my collection of dark contemporary fantasy (with a little bit of horror) short stories! These are great stories for reading as you get ready for Halloween. Some are less spooky than others, but there are witches, ghouls, ghosts, elder gods, psychics, and creepy muses aplenty! Several of the stories in […]

Volatile Figments is available for pre-order!

| September 26, 2017

My latest collection, Volatile Figments, is now available for pre-order! This is an ebook only collection of some dark contemporary fantasy short stories–some of them veer toward horror, but I’m not entirely sure that they reach that mark. Here’s the official blurb: Dani finds the new director in her college theater department more than a little unnerving, […]

Coming Up: Volatile Figments

| September 5, 2017

I’ve been working on pulling together a lot of my old, previously published stories, along with some new stories, into mini collections. The one I’m working on currently is Volatile Figments, which will be a collection of six stories in the young adult/dark contemporary fantasy realm, a number of which feature teenage monsters. Why teenage monsters? […]