History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

My Recent Publications for Young Readers

| February 25, 2025

I’ve published a few new pieces for young readers in the months since my last post on the subject. The main one is “The Storyteller,” which appeared in Bikes, The Universe, and Everything from Microcosm Press. Though the protagonist is a young adult, the story is appropriate for kids as well. “The Storyteller” is also in […]

Fun for Friday: Winter Writing Prompts for Young and Old!

| December 3, 2021

As winter in the Northern Hemisphere gets into full swing, the days of writing inside a cozy house become even more appealing. And if you’re a writer with kids, you might wind up with them home for a snow day or during school holidays. So this list of winter writing prompts might be a fun […]

Family, Teamwork, and Responsibility in a Kid-Friendly Book!

| January 14, 2021

Spiders of the Shifting Swamp is my children’s book about family, teamwork, and responsibility. Even though the characters are mostly spiders (and some lizards), they have a lot to teach about working together and taking care of each other. It’s a great book for young kids to have read to them, and for early readers […]

Thinking about Book Gifts for Kids?

| November 19, 2020

If you’ve got kids on your holiday gift list this year, I’ve got a couple of recommendations from my writing! Spiders of the Shifting Swamp is a children’s book, complete with illustrations and large print. It’s a story that can be read to younger kids, but that younger readers can probably manage on their own, […]

Spooky Reads for All Ages: Spiders of the Shifting Swamp!

| October 29, 2020

It’s almost Halloween! Do you have your copy of Spiders of the Shifting Swamp on hand to read? I call it a spooky read, but it’s not really all that spooky. It is, however, a fun book for kids that adults will also enjoy. It features spiders, ogres, and lizards in its pages, but it’s […]

Fun for Friday: Story Starters for Kids

| September 4, 2020

If you’ve got kids in your life who are aspiring authors, but they don’t always have the ideas that go with that aspiration, or if you’d like to encourage kids to try their hand at writing fiction, check out this story starter generator from Scholastic! Specifically geared toward kids, and with three genres and a […]