History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Have You Checked Out New Moons Under Which to Sleep?

| August 26, 2021

Have you had a chance to check out my book of science fiction stories, New Moons Under Which to Sleep? It’s got nine reprinted stories and six poems, which are a mix of reprints and new for this collection. Unusual spacecraft, aliens among us, and finding new ways to survive. New Moons Under Which to Sleep is a collection of science-fiction […]

My Steampunk Books

| August 24, 2021

Steampunk is one of my big loves, with it being the genre for my published trilogy and one other book. Brass and Glass: The Cask of Cranglimmering started out as a short story. Then it became a novel. Then, when asked if I had more set in this world, it became a trilogy, with Brass and […]

“Follow My Lead” in Old Legends and New Fables

| August 19, 2021

Whenever something comes up about “you know you’re in a specific author’s story when,” I generally have two answers. One of them is “you know you’re in a Dawn Vogel story when there are things in the water that want you dead.” “Follow My Lead” in Old Legends and New Fables is sort of one […]

“To Make Haste” in Intercity Illusions

| August 17, 2021

“To Make Haste” is one of the older stories in Intercity Illusions. It was inspired by a day at work when I was scanning pages from books, and my mind got to wandering. I thought how awesome it would be if the books could scan themselves, with a magic spell or something. But I also acknowledged […]

My Post-Apocalyptic Books!

| August 10, 2021

If you enjoy reading things set after the collapse of society as we know it, you might enjoy my post-apocalyptic books! Scenes from a Quiet Apocalypse is a strange, experimental novella, in which each chapter is based on a card from the major arcana of the tarot deck. The story that ties them all together […]

Story and Poem Out Recently!

| August 5, 2021

I’ve had a story and a poem out within the past month! “Terpsichore” was reprinted in Horror for the Throne, which is a collection of very short horror and dark reads. My story involves a dance instructor, a candlelit dance studio, and a “muse” who might not be what she seems. My poem, “The Message,” […]

Defending Home in What If I’m a Merfolk?

| July 29, 2021

One of the themes that runs through a number of the pieces in What If I’m a Merfolk? is the idea of merfolk defending their home. While the ocean is vast and has plenty of hiding places for creatures like merfolk, it’s still important to them to defend their territory from things like incursions of humans […]

My Sci-Fi Publications

| July 27, 2021

Although I’ve published a lot of books, there’s only one sci-fi book in the mix, and it’s the most recent one! New Moons Under Which to Sleep is a collection containing previously published sci-fi short stories, flash fiction pieces, and a couple of poems, joined by a couple of poems that were new to the collection. […]

Have You Checked Out Intercity Illusions?

| July 22, 2021

Have you had a chance to check out Intercity Illusions? Cities are filled with the strange and unusual, especially when you add the supernatural to them. This book collects urban fantasy stories and poetry highlighting the abnormal goings-on across myriad cityscapes. These tales will leave you wondering what is real and what is merely an illusion. […]

New Moons Under Which to Sleep Out Today!

| July 20, 2021

Today’s the day! My first ever book of science fiction stories, New Moons Under Which to Sleep, is out! This collection is an interesting one, as I don’t typically consider myself a sci-fi author. However, every story in this collection has been previously published! So I guess maybe I’ve written a few sci-fi stories after all! […]