dawn.vogel | November 18, 2021
“Despite All My Rage” started out as a misheard statement, and then turned into a bit of a dare. I had written a story that I characterized as nothing more than an angry rant, but my friend Torrey misheard it as “an angry rat.” When I clarified, she stuck with the assertion that maybe what […]
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Tags: affiliate link, despite all my rage, intercity illusions, urban fantasy
dawn.vogel | November 17, 2021
To Climates Unknown by Arturo Serrano (2021) is a masterful and epic novel spanning centuries and continents. Envisioning an alternate world in which the Mayflower did not reach North America, and the events that both led to that effect and the myriad changes that rippled out from that cause, Serrano has created a stunning portrayal of […]
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Tags: affiliate link, alternate history, Arturo Serrano, review
dawn.vogel | November 16, 2021
When I originally drafted Barren, I had a very clear picture of where it was set, because I’d based the location on where I live. Though later drafts strayed away from that location, much of the setting is still a temperate Pacific Northwest climate after the impacts of sea level rise. Years ago, Jeremy found a […]
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Tags: affiliate link, Barren, post-apocalyptic, seattle
dawn.vogel | November 11, 2021
“Far from Home” is an “inspired by real life” story twisted into a sci-fi story. Much like the characters in my story, I live in an apartment building, and I have heard people dragging things down the hallway. Some authors might take that and go with a horror twist. But I took that and wrote […]
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Tags: affiliate link, far from home, middle grade, New Moons Under Which to Sleep, sci-fi, science fiction
dawn.vogel | November 9, 2021
I write a lot of historical fiction, but almost all of it can be found in two collections: Unfixed Timelines and Unfixed Timelines 2. Both of these collections include both my stories and brief essays on the history that inspired them. Of course, I’ve got more historical fiction than is in these two slim volumes, so at some […]
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Tags: affiliate link, Historical Fiction, unfixed timelines, unfixed timelines 2
dawn.vogel | October 28, 2021
I write quite a bit of stuff for younger readers, but much of that is short stories that are scattered here, there, and everywhere, including throughout my collections. But I also have two books that are explicitly for younger readers. The Trouble with the Tick-Tock Tabby is a middle grade book featuring girl detectives Chrysanthemum […]
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Tags: affiliate link, children's book, kids, middle grade, picture books, Spiders of the Shifting Swamp, steampunk, the trouble with the tick-tock tabby
dawn.vogel | October 27, 2021
The Awakening by Dusk Peterson (Love in Dark Settings Press, 2021) is the first book in their Dungeon Guards series. An alternate history story, it consists of four interconnected novellas about guards who work in the Eternal Dungeon and their lives both within and out of the dungeon. The alternate history aspect of this book […]
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Tags: affiliate link, alternate history, Dusk Peterson, LGBTQ, review, romance
dawn.vogel | October 26, 2021
I’ve loved Greek mythology since I was a kid, and I was fascinated by the idea of the Oracle at Delphi, both in a mythological sense (speaking prophecy from the Gods!) and in a scientific sense that explains the “vapors” present there. But with a nod to the mythological sense, I wrote “Breathe Deep” as […]
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Tags: affiliate link, Greek, mythology, Old Legends and New Fables
dawn.vogel | October 19, 2021
There are many myths and legends about merfolk, other sea creatures, and the gods and goddesses that are the patrons or inhabitants of the seas. Many of the poems in What If I’m a Merfolk? touch on this mythology, but none as much as “A Paean to the Goddesses,” a poem that pays respect to goddesses […]
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Tags: affiliate link, mythology, What If I'm a Merfolk?
dawn.vogel | October 14, 2021
My story “Hashtag TPE” was written for a Miskatonic University anthology, where it found its first home. But it was also a perfect addition to Intercity Illusions, as it’s right on the edge between Mythos and urban fantasy. I wanted to write a very modern take on Miskatonic University, with the characters embracing present-day culture (like […]
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Tags: affiliate link, hashtag tpe, Lovecraftian, urban fantasy