History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

“Maija Spencer, Internet Witch” in Intercity Illusions

| December 30, 2021

Another one of my Drawlloween stories, I have vague memories of “Maija Spencer, Internet Witch” being written either on a plane or in a car (the plane while moving or the car while parked) on a trip to Missouri in 2018. Either way, I wrote it quickly and then cleaned it up later. It’s still, […]

Review of Beasts Made of Night by Tochi Onyebuchi

| December 29, 2021

Beasts Made of Night by Tochi Onyebuchi (Razorbill, 2017) is a gorgeous young adult fantasy novel touching on power and inequity with an epic background of magic. The protagonist, Taj, is an aki who is able to eat the sins of other people to keep them pure. He’s recognized by his peers as being one […]

Dark and Creepy Books

| December 28, 2021

If you want some creepy, spooky, or otherwise dark reads for your to be read pile, I’ve got two of options for you! Volatile Figments is a collection of contemporary fantasy short stories in which the protagonists deal with the darker side of the supernatural. There are some horrific moments in some of the stories, […]

“One-Tenth” in New Moons Under Which to Sleep

| December 23, 2021

“One-Tenth” was one of my early attempts at writing science fiction that had a solid science background behind it. It also involved more math than I enjoy. But the end result turned out pretty good, presenting a statistician with an ethical challenge: how do you choose who lives and who dies when supplies are inadequate […]

“The Sky Rock” in Old Legends and New Fables

| December 21, 2021

Sometimes, you’ve just got to write a silly story with talking birds and poop as the punchline. And that is, in its essence, “The Sky Rock.” It’s a very irreverent look at what Huginn and Muninn, Odin’s ravens, might get up to while they’re surveying the world for their boss. It’s a slightly different tone […]

Love in What If I’m a Merfolk?

| December 16, 2021

Some of the poetry in What If I’m a Merfolk? revolves around love among the merfolk, or love between a merfolk and a human. While merfolk and humans are often antagonistic toward each other, that isn’t always the case. My short story, “Catch,” is one example of this, telling the tale of a young woman and […]

Unfixed Timelines 2 Launching on Channillo!

| December 14, 2021

It’s been a little while since I’ve launched a book on Channillo, but as of today, you can read the first story in Unfixed Timelines 2, “Nochnaya Serenada,” on Channillo with a subscription! Each Tuesday through the middle of March, I’ll post a new story or essay on some of the historical elements of the stories, […]

My 2021 Publications Recap

| November 30, 2021

It’s the time of year when folks start posting lists of their stories and books from the past year that are eligible for award nominations. I had a TON of flash published, which does not currently get its own category in award nominations (it qualifies as “short” for those purposes), but I like to separate […]

Review of You Sexy Thing by Cat Rambo

| November 24, 2021

You Sexy Thing by Cat Rambo (Tor Books, 2021) is a action-packed sci-fi novel of found family, peril, and cooking, blended together in a remarkable and entertaining way. Niko and her restaurant staff are military veterans who managed to break away from their old lives by convincing the military that Niko is a culinary artist. […]

Guest Post: Arturo Serrano Talks Historical Figures

| November 22, 2021

Today, I’ve invited Arturo Serrano to talk a little bit about how he chose the historical figures he included in his upcoming book, To Climates Unknown. (Available this Thursday!) One of my first steps when I was preparing the overarching storyline of To Climates Unknown was to do a sweeping search for historical events coinciding with the Mayflower. […]