History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Words of wisdom from Mr. Crowder

| February 7, 2012

I’m still not back at 100 percent yet, which is frustrating. Though I may be able to get something written tonight. Rather than write a blog post of my own today, though, I’m going to share a link from my friend Nate’s blog. Oddly enough, I was going to write about description today. And I […]

Writing when you’re sick

| February 6, 2012

I haven’t been able to get any writing done since Thursday, because my cold has been keeping me completely fuzzy headed. There may be some things that I could write when I’m fuzzy headed, but the stories I have on tap right now are not the right sort. Instead, I’ve been doing a little bit […]

Friday Recap

| February 3, 2012

This week, I managed to finish my story for January and get it submitted, a day ahead of schedule! I also wrote and submitted another review, and got started on a sort of urban fantasy short story, which currently has no title. I also went through Jeremy’s novella manuscript with a fine toothed comb, so […]

Another review up!

| February 2, 2012

Just a quick post today, to let you all know that my review of M. K. Hobson’s The Native Star is up on Nevermet Press today! I finished writing my next review last night, but I am waiting for Jeremy to take a look at it, and then I’ll give it one more read through […]

Story Forge

| February 1, 2012

A friend of mine pointed me in the direction of a Kickstarter for Story Forge. I love Kickstarter in general, but I also love this idea. An 88-card deck designed to help jumpstart your brain for writing, gaming, or whatever else you can think of. This sort of thing is PERFECT for me. Jeremy likes […]

January recap

| January 31, 2012

By the numbers Stories out at the beginning of the month: 5 Acceptances received: 0 Rejections received: 1 Resubmissions: 1 New Submissions: 1 (“The Cask of Cranglimmering”) Stories out at the end of the month: 6 So what did I get done this month that isn’t reflected above? Well, I wrote two book reviews, figured […]

Writing Dialogue

| January 30, 2012

One of the things I struggle with in my writing is dialogue. This is probably not helped any by the fact that my husband is VERY good with dialogue. He’s great at writing punchy and natural sounding dialogue, pretty much no matter what his characters are talking about. And while I can recognize that I’ve […]

Friday Recap

| January 27, 2012

Progress! I worked a bit on my apocalypse story, only to realize that what I was really writing was the beginning of a YA horror(-ish) novel(la). I’m still not sure on the length, but I know that it’s longer than the scope of a short story. So I’ve put that (tentative title: The Thirteenth Year) […]

Writing Productivity: Location

| January 26, 2012

I read a blog post recently, which I sadly didn’t bookmark or otherwise save, that talked about how the author had tracked where and when she wrote to determine where and when she was most productive. Although I haven’t been tracking my productivity quite so closely, it did get me thinking about where I write, […]

Discarded Scenes

| January 25, 2012

While working on my latest short story, I ended up writing a few scenes that ended up not working out in the story. I would start writing, and then realize that either a) there was no good way to put conflict into the scene, or b) the scene was not going to get me to […]