History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Book Recommendation: A. Grimsbro, Warlord of Mars

| September 13, 2017

Previously, I recommended reading Matt Youngmark’s hilarious take on the Wizard of Oz, The “Wonderful” Wizard of Futhermucking Oz. Now, I’m recommending his second book in the series, A. Grimsbro, Warlord of Mars. A. Grimsbro, Warlord of Mars continues Arabella’s adventures through literature, to great hilarity. Now she has to deal with the world perceiving […]

Book Recommendations?

| September 6, 2017

I’m reaching the end of my “to be read for reviews” pile, and I’m looking for more books to read and review. If you want to know about what I’m looking for, check out Mad Scientist Journal‘s book review policy. Since I also write reviews for Girl Cooties, I’m often more interested in books written by […]

Review of Six-Gun Snow White

| August 30, 2017

My latest review is up at Mad Scientist Journal. This week, it’s for Six-Gun Snow White by Catherynne M. Valente. You might have noticed that I really like books by Cat Valente. This one was no exception! Check it out here!

Review of Iron Edda: Sveidsdottir

| August 16, 2017

My latest review is up at Mad Scientist Journal today. This one is for a Norse steampunk fantasy novel that was funded through a Kickstarter a few years ago. It’s been waiting on my Kindle for quite some time, but I only just got to read it! You can check out my review here!

Review of Starfall

| August 9, 2017

My latest review for Mad Scientist Journal is Jessie Kwak’s novella, Starfall. It’s the first in a series of novellas, but the second is already out, in case you’re the type who doesn’t want to wait to read the sequel. You can check out my review here!

Mini-Reviews of Comic Books

| August 2, 2017

My comic book stack has gotten ridiculous, so I’ve been reading some of them before I go to bed, when I’m not reading a book that I need to review. While I haven’t posted many in the past week, since I’ve been travelling and didn’t bring my comics with me, I’ve been writing some mini-reviews […]

Review of The Refrigerator Monologues

| July 26, 2017

My latest review is up at Mad Scientist Journal. You can read about my thoughts on The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne Valente. The quick synopsis? This book is brutal and challenging and also beautiful and a must-read! Check out the full review here!

Book Recommendation: Ink Calls to Ink

| July 19, 2017

Today, I’m recommending a book that I read a few years ago. This is one where I wrote a review as well, which you can find at Mad Scientist Journal. But even though the book has been out for a while (my review is almost two years old now), it’s one that’s worth checking out […]

Book Recommendation: School of Sight

| July 12, 2017

Every so often, I read a book that I don’t wind up writing a review for, for whatever reason. In this case, I think it was because I was busily scrambling to pull together the pieces of my own book. But if you’re looking for a fun urban fantasy read, School of Sight will deliver. There […]

Review of Cassilda’s Song

| July 5, 2017

I’ve got a new review up at Mad Scientist Journal today, this time for Cassilda’s Song, an anthology of 18 stories in the King in Yellow mythos by women authors. Check out my review to learn more about it!