History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Comic Book Reviews: Black Widow: The Finely Woven Thread (vol. 1)

| December 6, 2017

My stack of graphic novels is currently at least a foot tall. Probably closer to two feet tall, because there are actually two stacks right now. So before they gain sentience and become a monster in our hallway, I decided I should read some of them. So I threw a couple in my bag to […]

Music Recommendation: Savage (Songs from a Broken World) by Gary Numan

| November 29, 2017

I’m a music junkie–back in the early 2000s, when large hard drives were pricey, I shelled out for a 300 GB hard drive to house my music. (All that music now lives on my laptop hard drive, with room to spare, because we live in the future!) But I haven’t bought a ton of new […]

Review of The Adventure of the Incognita Countess

| November 22, 2017

My latest book review is up at Mad Scientist Journal, this time for a fun short novel featuring characters from throughout Victorian-era literature, along with the daughter of Mina (Murray) Harker and Count Dracula. To no one’s surprise, I was really excited to get to review this book. And it turned out to be a quick, […]

Comic Book Recommendation: DC Bombshells Enlisted

| November 15, 2017

I finally got a chance to read one of the many graphic novels on my stack, DC Bombshells: Enlisted. I’d been looking forward to this one because I’m a big fan of the Rosie the Riveter-like look that they gave Wonder Woman for this series (to the point that I’ve put together my own cosplay of […]

Things to Look Forward To: Wayward Sisters comic anthology

| November 8, 2017

If you’re looking for what promises to be an awesome anthology of comics by and about women and non-binary folks, you’ve got a couple more days to check out Wayward Sisters. This Kickstarter project is already fully funded, but they’re still trying to hit a few more stretch goals before the end of their funding period. I […]

Review of Of Rooks & Ravens

| November 1, 2017

In September, I posted an interview with Nathan Crowder about his new book, Of Rooks & Ravens. Now, I’ve just written a review of the same book for Mad Scientist Journal. You can check out my review here, and you can find his book on Amazon!  

Spooky Reads Recommendation: Nocturals by Dan Brereton

| October 18, 2017

I’m working on more reviews to post, but in the meantime, here’s a mini-comic book review from the depths of our collections. Nocturnals was a comic that came out in 1995, but somehow, I missed it until recently. Looking at this book (which we have in hardcover), it’s everything that 90s goth girl me would […]

Review of Serpent’s Sacrifice by Trish Heinrich

| October 11, 2017

My latest book review for Mad Scientist Journal isn’t for a spooky read, but it’s for a good read! Serpent’s Sacrifice by Trish Heinrich is a super hero book set in a place that reminds me a bit of Seattle or Tacoma, and I suspect her fictional Jet City is based on some amalgam of the two […]

Comic Recommendation: The Sublimes (and more!) by Kiku Hughes

| October 4, 2017

This weekend at GeekGirlCon, Jeremy picked up a handful of comics from local and indie creators. These two by Kiku Hughes were in the stack, so I read them both while feeding the cats. Sofia is a super short comic with very little text, but the illustrations are gorgeous and tell much of the story […]

Review of Everfair

| September 20, 2017

My latest review for Mad Scientist Journal is for Nisi Shawl’s Everfair, a fascinating alternate history steampunk-fantasy look at a nation forged from the defeat of King Leopold in the Congo in the late nineteenth century. This book really appealed to me as a historian and a steampunk author! If you’re interested in learning more about it […]