History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Reading, Watching, Listening To: Mid-October 2019 Edition

| October 16, 2019

Reading: An ARC of A Family Matter by Ox Aaronson, which I’ll be reviewing soon! Watching: We finally saw Pitch Perfect (yeah, WAY behind on that franchise), but otherwise, we haven’t been watching many of our TV shows recently. Listening To: There’s a lot of new K-pop I’ve found recently. Favorites include Onewe (which is a […]

Farscape: No One is Nice

| October 9, 2019

We’ve recently finished watching the first season of Farscape, and as we were getting toward the end of the season, a character from earlier on (Gilina) came back. In her previous appearance, she’d helped the crew, but I found myself expecting her to betray them at any moment. I took a step back and thought about […]

Review of Triangulation: Dark Skies

| October 2, 2019

My latest review is up at Mad Scientist Journal for Triangulation: Dark Skies, which came out earlier this year. It’s an anthology of stories about light pollution and the beauty of a dark sky, filled with stars. There are sci-fi, fantasy, and horror stories within the collection, just right for about any possible taste! If you’d like […]

Reading/Watching/Listening To: Late September Edition

| September 25, 2019

Reading: I’ve spent a lot of the month looking over my own books, in preparation for releasing Brass and Glass 3: The Boiling Sea. But I’ve also been reading anthologies to review. Watching: Farscape has been our main thing to watch lately. We’ve finally gotten to Chiana, which I was looking forward to! Someday, we’ll even finish […]

My First K-Pop Concert!

| September 18, 2019

Last week was the culmination of my frantic watching everything by Pentagon I could get my eyeballs on in preparation for seeing them live. And it was definitely an experience. Jeremy and I both work downtown–my office is very near the theater they were playing–so we met up after work for dinner and drinks, then […]

Review of The Great Faerie Strike by Spencer Ellsworth

| September 11, 2019

I’d been wanting to read Spencer Ellsworth’s The Great Faerie Strike since I found out about it early this year, and I’m pleased to say it was worth the wait! If you like steampunk and humor, you’ll love this book, which is filled with just the right balance between silly and serious. You can read my […]

What I’m Reading, Watching, and Listening To, August 2019

| August 28, 2019

Reading: The Great Fairie Strike by Spencer Ellsworth, which I’ll have a review for soon! Watching: Iron Fist season 2, mostly, though we occasionally watch a little Steven Universe, and Jeremy showed me the first episode of The Expanse, which he has been reading and loving. We’ve also started watching Farscape, which somehow never made it into the list […]

Review of Tales for the Camp Fire

| August 21, 2019

Tales for the Camp Fire is a charity anthology for the victims of the November 2018 fire that destroyed the town of Paradise, California. You can read my review of this horror collection at Mad Scientist Journal, or buy a copy online!

Review of Distaff

| August 14, 2019

I’ve just reviewed Distaff, which is a collection of nine sci-fi stories by women authors. You can check out my review at Mad Scientist Journal. It’s a nice quick read, too, which releases tomorrow at WorldCon. If you’re in Dublin, check it out there! If not, grab yourself a copy online!

Review of The Flight Girls by Noelle Salazar

| August 7, 2019

My latest book review is up at Mad Scientist Journal, this time for a non-speculative fiction book! The Flight Girls by Noelle Salazar is a historical fiction book about the women pilots of the WASPs during World War II. It’s a wonderful look at a little-known piece of history, with compelling characters and excellent writing. If […]