History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

What I’m Reading, Watching, and Listening To, September 2021 Edition

| September 1, 2021

Reading: Books to review, and a stack of graphic novels are in my near future. Watching: We’ve been watching The Owl House when new blocks of episodes drop, Marvel’s What If?, Reservation Dogs, and we’re looking forward to the final season of Lucifer later this month. Also fitting in other things when we have time! Listening To: My latest […]

Board Games for Writers

| August 25, 2021

If you’ve ever got a group of writers together, whether they’re trying to get writing done or not, odds are that you will eventually wind up NOT getting writing done. When that happens, why not get your writer friends to play some board games? This article lists 15 board games that can help writers write […]

What I’m Reading, Watching, and Listening To, August 2021

| August 11, 2021

Reading: Still reading books to review them, but they’re books from my ginormous to be read pile at the moment. And books that I suddenly decide I must have. Current read is “Daughter of Time” by Josephine Tey, which is from 1951. But it’s a historical mystery, and it’s pretty interesting! Watching: More Owl House dropped, […]

Review of It Gets Even Better: Stories of Queer Possibility edited by Isabela Oliveira and Jed Sabin

| August 4, 2021

It Gets Even Better: Stories of Queer Possibility, edited by Isabela Oliveira and Jed Sabin (Speculatively Queer, 2021), is a lovely collection of 22 affirming stories of queer possibility. The stories range between science fiction and fantasy, worlds you can easily recognize and those you can’t, and always filled to the brim with queer characters […]

TV Recommendation: Loki

| July 28, 2021

So it’s been hard to look any direction on the internet lately without seeing people raving about the Loki series on Disney+. And I’m here to join the clamor! Though Loki may not have had quite the same pace and flash as some of the other recent MCU series on Disney+, it more than made up […]

Review of The Atrocities by Jeremy C. Shipp

| July 21, 2021

The Atrocities by Jeremy C. Shipp (tor.com, 2018) blends a modern setting with a spooky Gothic tale. In turns, it maintains creeping dread and sustains quick action. Danna Valdez has just taken a position to educate the young daughter of a wealthy and somewhat eccentric family. But when she arrives at their unusually appointed estate, […]

Review of The Silence of Bones by June Hur

| July 14, 2021

The Silence of Bones by June Hur (Feiwel & Friends, 2020) is a historical young adult mystery set in early nineteenth century Korea, full of rich detail and wonderful characters. The mystery is also phenomenal, and it will keep you guessing all the way to the reveal! Damo Seol is an indentured servant, bound to […]

What I’m Reading, Watching, and Listening To, July 2021 Edition

| July 7, 2021

Reading: Aside from books for reviews, I’ve been poking at some H. P. Lovecraft fiction and related materials. I read “The Colour Out of Space” because a friend had referenced it and I thought it might work to reference it in a story I’m planning. Having never read Lovecraft before, my reactions to it were, […]

Movie Review: In the Heights

| June 30, 2021

We saw the stage production of In the Heights at the height of Hamilton popularity, when it was nearly impossible to get a ticket for the latter. We decided that the ticket prices for In the Heights were much better, so we went to see a musical we knew very little about, aside from the fact […]

Review of Mask of Silver by Rosemary Jones

| June 23, 2021

Mask of Silver by Rosemary Jones (Aconyte Books, 2021) is an Arkham Horror novel, related to the Arkham Horror board game. Set in the 1920s, it’s a fun mix of historical fiction and the creeping dread horror that is conjured when one says Lovecraft or Arkham. The story focuses on a film production team, including […]