History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Setting Goals for 2020

| January 2, 2020

Now that it’s 2020, it’s time to start looking at my writing goals for this coming year! Top of my list for this year is looking for an agent. I’ve got a young adult book that is pretty close to being ready to query agents with, so that’s going to be at the top of […]

Zombies in Unfixed Timelines

| September 17, 2019

All of the stories in Unfixed Timelines have some sort of fantasy or science-fiction element to go along with the history. In “The Glorious Dead,” it’s zombies at Vicksburg. “The Glorious Dead” is one of the earliest stories I wrote, and I had a pretty solid idea for it from the beginning. Many years ago, […]

Shade and Light in Worldbuilding

| May 27, 2019

When you’re world building, how much thought do you give to places that have shade and places that are brightly lit? And how do your characters react to the same? In this article, which talks about the lack of shade in Los Angeles, and how it is a marker of economic disparity, there are all […]

Scenes from a Quiet Apocalypse “Pinspiration”

| May 23, 2019

When I write many of my longer pieces, and even some of my short stories, I make a Pinterest board where I collect images that connect to the themes, characters, or other aspects of my writing. For Scenes from a Quiet Apocalypse, which drew on the major arcana of the tarot deck for inspiration, my Pinterest […]

Fun for Friday: A Person, A Place, and A Thing

| May 10, 2019

I’ve got another trio of images for this week’s Fun for Friday: a person, a place, and a thing. What sort of poem or story can you turn them into?

Site Recommendation: Medieval Fantasy City Generator

| May 1, 2019

If you’re in need of a randomly generated medieval fantasy city for writing or gaming, check out Medieval Fantasy City Generator. I could easily lose HOURS playing around with all of the functions here–I’m particularly in love with the “Warp” feature right now, which lets you do weird things like extend the city out into […]

Fun for Friday: Images as Inspiration

| February 15, 2019

I’m a very visual person, so it’s not entirely surprising that I get a lot of mileage out of images of unusual things. It might be something as simple as glass-like flowers. The description I found for them says “A flower whose petals turn clear as glass when wet… Diphylleia Grayi otherwise known as the […]

I Didn’t Break the Lamp Story Thoughts

| February 12, 2019

As the Kickstarter for I Didn’t Break the Lamp: Historical Accounts of Imaginary Acquaintances continues, I’ve started thinking about the kinds of stories that we may see in the slush pile. Because our authors always end up surprising us with their imaginative takes on our anthology themes, it’s a little difficult to pin down our expectations, […]

Fun for Friday: Writing Inspiration

| February 8, 2019

Some days, the words just aren’t there, the well has run dry, or one of several other metaphors about not knowing what to write. When you’ve reached that point, this list of 31 ways to find inspiration for your writing might be helpful! While not all of these techniques work for everyone, odds are that […]

2019 Goals

| January 7, 2019

2019 is already off to a roaring start, but I’m just now posting my goals for the year. Like last year, they’re largely numbers driven. 43 completed stories/poems and 34 others at least started This seems like a HUGE number of stories, but it’s definitely viable. There are three contests I take part in that […]