History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: March 2020 Writing Prompts

| February 28, 2020

We’re already to the end of a long February, so it’s time for the March writing prompts! I’ve got themed and non-themed prompts mixed in this year! Check back on the last Friday of each month (or occasionally the first day of a new month, when that falls on a Friday) for my History That […]

Fun for Friday: What Ifs

| February 21, 2020

For this week’s fun, check out this list of “What If” Journal Prompts. But now, apply them to fiction. More specifically, spin out some ideas of what a character might do if one of these What Ifs happened to them, and build a story from there!  

Fun for Friday: Things and Stuff in Pictures

| February 14, 2020

This week, it’s another bunch of somewhat random images (deleted) to inspire your writing. First, we have a car driving through an area with some leafless trees, with high water on either side of a narrow road, and possibly overtaking the road. The second image is three long, narrow spools of thread, in pale green, […]

Fun for Friday: Generating a Constructed Language

| February 7, 2020

If you’ve ever considered coming up with a fantasy language like Tolkien’s elvish, or an alien language like Klingon from Star Trek, you definitely want to check out Vulgar. It’s a language generator that can create a 200 word language for free, or larger word counts if you’re willing to pay for it. These languages […]

Fun for Friday: February 2020 Writing Prompts!

| January 31, 2020

January has flown by, and we’re reaching February! It’s a 29-day February this year, and I’m definitely going to be taking advantage of that extra day! Most of the words for this month are themed to the season, but there are also a good handful of really random things, so that you can have some […]

Fun for Friday: A Three Image Prompt

| January 24, 2020

It’s time for another batch of image prompts! This week, we’ve got a person with white hair whose face is not visible holding a smooth hearing aid between two fingers. We’ve also got a pair of statues that depict a bald person facing generally toward the left with armor covering their mouth and a person […]

Fun for Friday: A Weird Historical Tidbit

| January 17, 2020

For today’s Fun for Friday, I’m posting something a little different. Despite having studied the Civil War fairly extensively, I never knew that the Confederacy considered attacking the Union using helicopters. Had their plan succeeded, the Civil War could have turned out quite differently, as neither side had a strong air presence. Had one side […]

Fun for Friday: Three Winter Images

| January 10, 2020

Time for another three images for inspiration! This week, they’re winter related or adjacent. The first photo shows a squirrel with something in its mouth. The squirrel is lightly dusted with snow, standing on slightly disturbed snow. The second photo shows a rock with a number of long cracks/splits in its surface, from a thaw/freeze […]

Fun for Friday: Magnetic Poetry Online

| January 3, 2020

If you recall magnetic poetry as being a fun thing to do, but you’ve got a non-magnetic fridge or your magnets have all gone missing, you can still make magnetic poetry online! There are a few different sets on this website, so you’ll have some options for what sort of poems you’d like to write!

Fun for Friday: January 2020 Writing Prompts!

| December 27, 2019

2019 is coming to a close, so it’s time for the January 2020 writing prompts! Most of the words for this month are themed to the season, but there are also a good handful of really random things, so that you can have some non-seasonal prompts! You could also integrate the photo I’ve included with […]