History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

WriteHive Panel: Seasons in Worldbuilding

| September 18, 2023

One of the WriteHive online conference panels I watched was Seasons in Worldbuilding, which was an interesting look at how you can use seasons as part of your writing. Even outside of the part they play in worldbuilding, seasons can be used evoke emotions related to that season. In some writing, the season and/or the […]

Interview with Ryder O’Malley

| September 11, 2023

Today, I’m talking with Ryder O’Malley, who writes superhero and supervillain fiction, including some on the gay and steamy part of the spectrum! Read on to learn more! DV: Tell me a little about yourself and your writing. RO: Howdy! Most people know me as Ryder O’Malley, the author of gay steamy superheroes. My origin […]

WriteHive Panel: Newsletter 101

| September 4, 2023

One of the panels from the WriteHive online conference this year that I found valuable was Newsletter 101: The Basics. Though I’ve had my newsletter up and running for a while, I still find it useful to read and watch things about newsletters to see what I can do better. And this panel had lots […]

Stephen Fry on Form, Part 11

| August 28, 2023

As I mentioned previously, I’m working through Stephen Fry’s The Ode Less Travelled very slowly to absorb as much wisdom as I can about writing poetry. This week’s post covers Chapter 3, Section 11, on shaped verse. This section goes through many different forms of poetry, but the thing the forms all have in common is […]

Interview with Priya J. Sridhar

| August 23, 2023

Today, I’m talking with Priya J. Sridhar, who is a prolific writer spanning fiction and nonfiction, and much more! Read on to learn more! DV: Tell me a little about yourself and your writing. PJS: I am a speculative fiction writer with eight books under my belt, a nerdy nonfiction writer, and a copywriter in […]

Write Hive Conference Videos Available!

| August 21, 2023

A couple of months back, I watched a bunch of the WriteHive conference videos online as a moderator. Now they’re all online and available for anyone to watch here! There are also videos from previous years available at the same location! I’ll be posting some of my thoughts and summaries about many of the individual […]

Interview with CD Covington

| August 14, 2023

Today, I’m talking with CD Covington, who is just about to launch her Kickstarter for A Writer’s Guide to Linguistic Worldbuilding! Keep reading for more on the Kickstarter, CD’s work, and linguistic nerdery! DV: Tell me a little about yourself and your linguistics background. CD: My name is CD Covington, and I’ve been writing as long […]

Stephen Fry on Form, Part 10

| July 31, 2023

As I mentioned previously, I’m working through Stephen Fry’s The Ode Less Travelled very slowly to absorb as much wisdom as I can about writing poetry. This week’s post covers Chapter 3, Section 10, on the sonnet. Why does the sonnet get its own section? Well, there’s a lot of history to unpack, two major forms, […]

Care and Feeding of the Editorial Brain and Body at Flights of Foundry

| July 24, 2023

One of the panels I moderated at Flights of Foundry was called “Care and Feeding of the Editorial Brain and Body”. And while the panelists were editors, and the tips were somewhat geared in that direction, there were also things we talked about that can apply to writers, as well, such as making sure you […]

Writing Tools: The Publishing Goblin’s Oracle Dice

| July 17, 2023

I’ve accumulated a large collection of card-based writing tools, each of which is useful to different parts of my writing process. So I’ve decided to do a series of posts about the various decks I own and how I use them in my writing. This time, it’s a combination of deck and dice in the […]