History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

My Latest Post-Apocalyptic Stories

I’ve had just a few post-apocalyptic stories out since my last post on the topic!

My drabble “Dead Planet” appeared in Drabbledark III from Shacklebound Books in March 2024. This is a bit of a sci-fi post-apocalyptic story, looking at the remnants of Earth after alien contact.

My collection A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages, which came out in May 2024, had a couple of post-apocalyptic pieces, like “No Harm Ever Came from Reading a Book” and some of the haiku.

Finally, my short story “The Storyteller” appeared in Bikes, the Universe, and Everything from Microcosm Publishing in May 2024. This one involves a book exchange in a post-apocalyptic world where works of fiction have often not been preserved in favor of more practical books, though the story emphasizes that fiction is important too!

In addition to these recent publications, you can also find my post-apocalyptic stories in Dead-Starred Futures, Barren, and Scenes from a Quiet Apocalypse!

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