History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Historians on History at WriteHive Online Conference

Another panel I was on at the WriteHive Online Conference was Historians on History. With a couple of other historians, archivists, and writers of historical fiction, we talked about doing research for our historical stories and how to avoid certain pitfalls of research rabbit holes (not always successful) and how to deal with difficult history in stories. It was a fantastic conversation with tons of great advice for aspiring historical fiction writers and anyone who wants to inject a little of the real world into their fiction, whether it’s an inspiration for worldbuilding or your actual setting!

The recording of this panel will be available on the WriteHive YouTube channel in the very near future, so be sure to favorite that channel so you’ll get notified when they have the new uploads!

EDIT: You can now find this panel recording here!

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