My Social Media and Other Online Homes

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
You’re here on my blog, so you’ve found the most frequently used of my online locations. But if you’re looking for other places to find me online, check these links out!
Facebook: History That Never Was (very rare posts)
Twitter: @historyneverwas (links to my new blog posts, retweets of writing- and/or cat-related content, other miscellaneous retweets, occasional random posts)
Patreon: Dawn Vogel (public posts about what I’m working on, and backer-only posts with snippets of my works in progress)
Pinterest: Scary White Girl (my idea boards for some stories and novels, plus dark, fae, and tree aesthetics)
Instagram: Dawn Vogel (pictures of my cats and occasional craft projects)
And my new project, My Newsletter: Subscribe (monthly emails with recaps of what I’ve done recently and will be doing soon, along with interesting history and books/author recommendations)