October 2020 recap

A ceramic pumpkin I’ve had since I was four!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 109
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 59
Stories withdrawn: 2
Resubmissions: 99
New Submissions: 1
Stories out at the end of the month: 147
Pretty good month by the numbers. I’m getting more stuff out there, even if it’s not immediately leading to more acceptances. But all those things out there still could be accepted! The two withdrawn stories were from unresponsive markets that appear to be dead. Only one new story complete in October, but a lot more in progress.
I managed 18 pieces for Drawlloween this year, which isn’t as many as I would have liked, but it’s still a nice chunk. Eight of the pieces were poems, which will likely just need a quick polish and then they can start making the rounds. The other ten are the beginnings of short stories, so I’ll be working on finishing up some of those in November and December, and then figure out which ones still need more work in the coming months.
I finished expanding shell and finished revising asylum (which was the completed story in October). I’ve also started on a new story, “boots” (which may be a codename I’ve used before …), which is swimming along nicely. I also wrote my two book reviews.
November is always a tricky month for me, because we start the month with a gaming convention, and then I typically have craft shows for the remainder of the month. Not so this year. I have no craft shows scheduled until NEXT May, and even that is still tentative. But the gaming convention is happening online this November, which means that I’ll be doing a whole bunch of gaming, starting today, and continuing over the weekend. So I’m mostly not thinking too much about writing until that’s over.
My plans for November writing are:
- Re-outline Beagle Wizard with a new plot and start writing it toward the end of the month
- Proofread Promise Me Nothing with an eye to an early 2021 release
- Revise and work on Drawlloween pieces
- Revise shell
- Finish the first draft of boots
- Start another new story (spa)
- Write a book review
Starting to be a bit heavier of a schedule, now that we’re heading into winter with not a lot of other stuff going on. Might as well write!