Urban Fantasy Reads!

Linnaea Mallette, Public domain (https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=283461&picture=cartoon-city)
If urban fantasy is your jam, I’ve got several options for you!
Cross & Circle is an urban fantasy novella, in which magic is real and becomes a part of Evie and Carlotta’s lives as they prepare for the birth of their son.
Scenes from a Quiet Apocalypse is a little more slipstream, but still firmly rooted in urban fantasy–it just doesn’t offer much explanation as to why things are how they are. It’s also novella length.
If you prefer short stories and/or a darker bent, check out Volatile Figments, with six urban fantasy short stories that lean slightly toward the darker side of things without quite reaching horror in most cases.
All three of these books are available as ebooks only!