Anthology Construction

Heffloaf ( CC-by-sa-4.0 (
The final writing panel that I was on at Norwescon was about anthologies–both editing them and writing for them. I’ve had a number of my short stories published in anthologies, with more scheduled, and I’ve also edited all of theĀ Mad Scientist Journal Kickstartered anthologies.
I shared the panel with K. G. Anderson, Jennifer Brozek, and Jaym Gates. So we all talked a bit about writing for anthologies and editing them.
I have a dim recollection that a lot of what I learned about editing anthologies in terms of story arrangement came from an old blog post of Jennifer’s, but I can’t track it down now. Her advice, though, was quite similar to what Jaym talked about on the SFWA blog several years back. Jaym’s post is a fantastic one for aspiring anthology editors, but it also speaks to authors, in explaining how some editors plot out the order of the stories in a book!