History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: March 2025 Writing Prompts!

Two-dimensional black bats, yellow stars, and colorful beads hang from nearly transparent fishing line and a silver wire cross-piece as a mobile

The “bat mobile” I made for a friend. Their pun, not mine!

It’s almost March, which means it’s time for the March 2025 writing prompts!

This month, I went with three themed art challenges for the prompts. Column 1 is the Mutation March prompts from Teresa Galusaurus, in which you’re encouraged to draw animals, but make them weird. Column 2 is the 2020 Magical March prompts from @reals_artwork, which is a daily art challenge related to magical girls. Column 3 is the March of Robots prompts, which is an art challenge involving drawing robots, but explicitly NOT using robots (or AI) to draw.

As always, you can think of the prompts in terms of these art challenges and the additional inspiration they add, or you can take the words at face value and combine them into something different, or just choose one or two that you want to include in your piece. Anything really does go!

If you want some additional ideas, I’ve included a photo of a “bat mobile” I made for a friend. It was their pun, not mine, but it’s cute and clever. And in addition to the photo, I have a theme each month for what stickers I use in my calendars, and March is “things with wings.” So when in doubt, put a bird on it? No, that’s Portlandia. Just add wings!

Check back on the last Friday of each month (or occasionally the first day of a new month, when that falls on a Friday) for my History That Never Was writing prompts!

Day Word 1 Word 2 Word 3
1 Cephalopod Robot Big
2 Hippopotamus Instrument Cone
3 Jacana Flower Trick
4 Narwhal Gemstone Perfect
5 Centipede Holiday Park
6 Catfish Animal Repair
7 Sauropod Dreams Compass
8 A rotund animal Food Hill
9 Serval Healer Night
10 Cobra Galaxy Gate
11 Jellyfish Zodiac Magic*
12 Arachnid Mythology Alone
13 Basking shark White magic* Frozen
14 Star-nosed mole Black magic* Cargo
15 Sage grouse Rainbow Picture
16 Seadragon Maid Weapon
17 Kinkajou Flavor Quest
18 Rotifer Swamp Surprise
19 Bearded vulture Desert Poised
20 Surinam toad Beach Swing
21 Ladybug Forest Code
22 Moose Prince Ghost
23 Sea spider Princess Fight
24 Blue-footed booby Knight Reach
25 Handfish Cheerleader Arrow
26 Stick bug Drink Move
27 Gelada Job Frame
28 Lamprey Season Below
29 Chameleon Element Shell
30 Cockatoo Young Trail
31 Horse Old Complete

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