History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

The Lovers in A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages

The Lovers tarot card represents relationships, of course, but also harmony and choices. InĀ A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages, this is represented by a flash fiction piece and a haiku.

The flash fiction piece, “The Truth of Their Tunes,” revolves around heartsongs and a witch who can understand them. The prompt for this story was Radiohead’s “Creep” and the idea that this song, about wanting to be special in someone’s eyes, was the heartsong the witch was hearing. Though the lyrics of the song never come into play, that’s the song that was running through my head as I wrote it. It fits well with the relationship theme and also with the choices theme, on the part of the witch and the person acting on their heartsong.

The haiku, the first line of which is “a placid flat lake,” is more in alignment with the harmony aspect of this card, with an emphasis on parallels and reflections.

“The Truth of Their Tunes” originally appeared in Wyngraf and was reprinted in the magazine’s Little Cozy Book anthology, both in 2023. The haiku is exclusive to A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages, and both pieces sit alongside other poems and stories reflecting each of the Major Arcana of the tarot!

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