Fun for Friday: Weird February History

Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay
Time for more weird history to inspire your writing or maybe just pique your curiosity!
February is called “The Strangest Month of the Year” in this article on Medium from 2018. While it doesn’t delve too deeply into historical events, one might argue that the events it covers from seven years ago are recent history, at this point. Especially because 2018 seems much longer ago than it really was!
If you prefer your weird history a little more, well, historical, the History Place has you covered. (It’s probably worth noting that the events listed include acts of racism and the loss of life in the first two entries, and there are many other events connected to death throughout the month).
I find it fascinating that this list has no entries for February 29th–one would think that statistically speaking there should have been some things happening on a day that only occurs every four-ish years. (Speaking of, why aren’t there leap years in years divisible by 100?) Thankfully, On This Day has February 29th covered!
Even if you don’t write historical fiction, you could choose an odd event and transport it into a different setting, time period, genre, etc. See if any of these events gives you a great idea for a story, poem, or even a novel!