January 2025 Recap

Part of the Seattle Chinese Garden during Astra Lumina
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 47
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 14 (+1, +2)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 13
New Submissions: 5
Stories out at the end of the month: 42
January seemed a little slow on the submission front, but it wasn’t too awful. I had two acceptances, which might have skewed my viewpoint on that. Both were from stories submitted in 2024, and I’ve gotten the contract for one, but not for the other. Every acceptance is exciting, but the latter is a first sale at a pro-rate market that I’m ecstatic to have placed a story at! The pluses related to rejections are one project that was cancelled and two markets that never responded. And all of the new submissions this month were things that were completed in 2024 that hadn’t gone out before the end of the year.
For my January goals, I wrote three new flash fiction pieces, got Sure Shot 2 ready to publish, reviewed a book, did three exercises from the new craft book (Chapter 3 was a DOOZY, so I split it across two weeks), and watched some conference panels.
Continuing on with my theme of TRY, in February, I’m going to try to:
- Write three or four more flash fiction pieces
- Revise a couple of January’s flash fiction pieces
- Do four more craft book exercises
- Review two books
- Watch more conference panels