New Years’ Resolution to Write a Novel? Check Out An (Un)helpful Guide!
If you’ve given yourself a New Years’ resolution to write a novel, my non-fiction, tongue-in-cheek, book of novel writing advice, An (Un)helpful Guide to Writing a Novel, might be helpful!
Most books about writing a novel give you advice about plot and structure and stakes and more.
This isn’t most books.
Within the pages of An (Un)helpful Guide to Writing a Novel, you’ll find information about writing novels from a less technical standpoint that authors also need to understand. There are pointers about writing despite what life throws at you, including pets and other human beings, but also stress, disabilities, and burnout. You’ll learn about editing and querying and everything else that goes into the novel publication process. But you’ll also find advice about distractions, tools, and rewards, including naps and snacks and stickers (so many stickers) and more.
If you want to write a novel and enjoy a healthy dose of humor, this is the book for you!
So if you want to write a novel and don’t know the first thing about it, or if you’d like more entertaining advice on novel writing than most books on that topic provide, grab a copy of An (Un)helpful Guide to Writing a Novel!