History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

My Newest Superhero Fiction

Since the last time I posted about my superhero fiction, I haven’t had much new come out in the world, though I’ve been busily editing a lot of other folks’ Cobalt City superhero fiction!

I did publish a couple of marginally superhero stories in A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages, which includes  pieces inspired by the Major Arcana of the tarot, and Weathering Youth, which involve younger protagonists.

In the former, while “The Battle Unending,” “Chrysopoeia,” and “Architect of the Rebellion” are solidly fantasy stories, they each feature a main character who goes out of their way to make the world better for others. In the first two, the characters have what could be read as superpowers, while the main character in the third story is a non-powered person.

In the latter collection, “Remote Control” is the most clearly superheroic story, with a protagonist with powers who improves the unusual place where she lives for the other inhabitants. “To Live is the Rarest Thing in the World” also features a powered protagonist who learns about themself by helping others. “How Far You’ll Go” is a second-person look at a telekinetic and the doors they pass through during their life, dealing with friendship and ambition. There are also some tongue-in-cheek stories of heroism tied to schools, like “Student Response to Referral Report Re: Bring Your Pet to School Day” and “Thirty to Fifty (Plus) Non-Feral Hogs,” the latter of which features a non-powered protagonist saving the day.

In addition to these published pieces, I’ve got Sure Shot in Cobalt City: Homecoming (aka Sure Shot 2) in the works, for which there will be a cover reveal and pre-order links available soon!

You can also check out my older superhero fiction in these books!

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