My December 2024 recap

One of my photos from Astra Lumina, a cool outdoor sci-fi adjacent art installation with lots of lovely lights!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 57
Acceptances received: 5
Rejections received: 25 (+1)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 12
New Submissions: 9
Stories out at the end of the month: 47
December was a little slow on the submission end of things, though I did have FIVE acceptances, which made it a pretty exciting month. One acceptance was a poem, and the other four were drabbles, with the drabbles all accepted at the same market. I also finished 24 pieces in December, 8 poems and 16 drabbles, but I only got 9 of those out on submission. The other 15 will be going out soon!
I didn’t complete a lot of my goals for December, though I did finish revising the Drawlloween pieces, finished the craft book and revised all the pieces from it, wrote a book review, watched some conference panels, and started proofreading Sure Shot 2. I didn’t get much new writing done, so those projects have either gone to the backburner or gotten scrapped.
For January, I’m going to try to:
- Write three or four new flash fiction pieces
- Get Sure Shot 2 ready for publication
- Review a book
- Do the first four exercises in a new craft book
- Watch more conference panels
It’s a lighter schedule than in previous months, but it looks fairly manageable, I hope!