Planning for 2025

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
This is the time of year when normally I would look at my plans and goals for the new year. However, I have to start by admitting that I’ve had a bit of burnout recently. My day job has been extremely busy, which means I often get home from work (or finish my day when I work from home) and don’t have much brain power left. By the time the weekend rolls around, I’m still exhausted and often sleep in, sometimes for a good chunk of Saturday. And I’m playing in a lot of games right now and running one infrequently, which means that other chunks of my weekend are also spoken for.
Something has had to give, and that’s primarily been my writing. I haven’t had the energy or motivation to write. I’ve been really trying to give myself grace and not force myself to push through it. Sometimes, the best remedy for burnout is to take a step back and let yourself recover.
So with all that said, I’m not making a lot of writing plans for 2025 quite yet. As much as I’d like to continue writing new things, words haven’t been coming out easily. I’ve been able to write some small pieces, but they’ve been few and far between. And I’m not sure yet how long this will last–my day job doesn’t show any signs of slowing down, and I enjoy all of the games I’m playing and running.
The only solid thing I can say for 2025 is that I will be releasing Sure Shot 2 in March. Maybe I’ll do another collection or another non-fiction book, but both of those are so far off my radar right now that I’m not going to include them on the TRY list, below.
So here’s what I’m going to TRY to do in 2025:
- Participate in a couple of writing challenges in January and February.
- Start tackling another writing craft book in the first half of the year.
- Focus on submitting stories and poetry to markets.
- Continue blogging five days a week.
- Continue reading books to review.
If I get more done than this, awesome. If I don’t? That’s okay too. I’m going to TRY, and that’s going to be my watchword for 2025. I don’t have to succeed. I just have to TRY.