The Non-Player Review of Video Games: Saints Row Franchise Radio Stations

Image by AlohaWorld from Pixabay
One of my favorite parts about the Saints Row franchise is the variety of radio stations. My favorites of those are often based on them playing songs I know, though there are also songs I have come to know and love from Jeremy playing through the games multiple times. Of course, the radio stations change from game to game, so let’s talk about my faves from each of the games!
Saints Row
Gonna be honest, here. Saints Row doesn’t have the best radio stations. My best guess is that they didn’t have a lot of budget for music for the first game in the series, so they had to source some music from lesser-known artists.
That being said, there are some gems. My top choice for station is The Krunch 106.66, because they managed to get tracks from groups I’d actually heard of! It’s very 80s glam rock, but I can live with that! I also like The Rock 94.8 (only in Saints Row) for having some deep alternative cuts. And I have a weird fondness for 95.4 KRhyme, in part for Aisha’s ridiculous songs.
Saints Row 2
Oh look, a music budget! I’d argue that Saints Row 2 was the height of the franchise in terms of the music. It’s got four SOLID radio stations, in my estimation. Two of them are repeats from Saints Row: The Krunch 106.66 (which goes much harder in this game, but includes two of my favorite songs, “Stars” by Hum and “Bat Country” by Avenged Sevenfold) and 95.4 KRhyme (the Apache song still gets stuck in my head). The new addition of 89.0 Generation X is delightful, even if the music on it isn’t actually Gen X music.
But my favorite addition for Saints Row 2? The Mix 107.77! It’s got excellent 80s tracks that I grew up with.
Saints Row: The Third
Weirdly, even though I think Saints Row: The Third is my favorite of the games in the franchise, the music is a bit less a part of that. The Mix 107.77 is possibly even better in this game than in Saints Row 2, with a bit more 90s music mixed in, but the other stations drop off dramatically. And there’s 106.66 The Blood, which is a sort of rebranding of The Krunch, but it’s almost all “Cookie Monster” metal (if you’ve never heard the term, imagine Cookie Monster, sped up and almost unintelligible).
Saints Row IV
I haven’t heard as much of Saints Row IV‘s music because Jeremy played through it once, whereas he’s replayed most of the others. But again, the main good music here is The Mix 107.77, with a good 80s and 90s mix. The Gen X station went a bit too “modern” for me in both The Third and IV, and there’s no more metal in IV.
Honorable Mention
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the continual presence of a classical music station in the franchise. Because who doesn’t want to commit vehicular and other crimes to the fine strains of classical music? Top notch choice for those times when the other stations won’t do!