November 2024 Recap

Lovely autumn colors at McMenamin’s Edgefield in Troutdale, Oregon
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 60
Acceptances received: 1
Rejections received: 25 (+3)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 16
New Submissions: 10
Stories out at the end of the month: 57
November was a little slow on the submissions front, in large part because I spent almost the entire first half of the month traveling, first to the Edgefield (pictured) for a gaming convention and then to Skamania Lodge for a work event. While I had a blast at both, they occupied quite a bit of my time.
I did have one acceptance in November, which was “We Dream in Color” selling to Toad Shade Zine. I also finished ten new drabbles, all of which were written during Drawlloween.
In November, I also finished the revisions to Sure Shot 2, worked on a bunch of DCO books, reviewed a book, did a couple more craft book exercises, started working on vampire, and watched some more online conference videos. The only thing on my list I didn’t get to was a new flash fiction piece, because I had an older piece that worked well for the call.
In December, I’m planning to:
- Finish writing vampire and start revising it
- Start writing a new short story (grave robbers)
- Finish revising the Drawlloween pieces
- Write a new flash fiction piece
- Proofread Sure Shot 2
- Do the last two craft book exercises in the current book
- Revise my pieces from this craft book
- Write a book review
- Watch more online conference panels
There’s a bit more on the schedule this month, but I’ve spaced it all out a bit more than I have been doing, which I’m hoping will make things more manageable. There will still be some busy weeks, but I’m hoping that the looser schedule will mean I’m not working quite as frantically on everything at once!