The Non-Player Review of Video Games: Mario Kart (maybe?)

Image by AlohaWorld from Pixabay
So there I am, chilling out, when I get a message from one of my friends. Their sitter is ill. Is there any chance I can come over and kid-sit for them that night? My schedule was clear, so off I went!
The kids in question are three very smart, very nerdy kids. The eldest was at a friends for dinner, so I had the two younger kids, aged 6 and 3 (or thereabouts). We saw their parents off, and then decided what we wanted to do. The 6-year-old asked if we could play video games, and I said sure. He then asked me if I wanted to play Mario Kart (or some sort of Mario racing game–I’m really not sure).
My response: “I’m not very good at video games.”
His response: “Then practice.”
OUCH. I had just been owned by a CHILD. I think had he known the words, “Get good, n00b,” he would have said that instead.
He insisted that I play the game. So I agreed, knowing full well that I would not do well with this game. Racing games, in particular, seem to be a challenge for me. I ALWAYS run off the road. (I promise, I’m a good driver in real life. Video games are not the same as driving a car.)
So I played, and he watched. I did not do well, unsurprisingly.
After I’d run my races, he took the controller, and he did not ask me to play any more. Apparently I needed WAY more practice.