History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

September 2024 Recap

Jeremy and I at the Atarashii Gakko show in Seattle (yellow dots to obscure other attendees)

By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 53
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 30 (+2)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 41
New Submissions: 4
Stories out at the end of the month: 66

Got the submissions numbers up a bit this month, with more going out than normal! I didn’t have any acceptances, but as I get more pieces in circulation again, the odds of acceptances should increase. I had a couple of markets never respond, which is the +2 after rejections. My new submissions this month were a LONG short story (nearly 10,000 words) and three poems that I finished in August but hadn’t submitted yet.

September wound up being a bit of a mess for my writing, unfortunately. We were in St. Louis at the beginning of the month, and not too long after we got home, I started feeling ill. It turned out to be COVID, which had me out of commission for about five days, just in time for Jeremy to come down with it as well. We’re both recovered now, but there was about a week and a half where nothing got done. And the end of the month was Flights of Foundry for me, which also occupied a good deal of my time.

So I revised bounty (the LONG short story), started revising tragic, got all the pieces together for my next collection, edited the DCO novella (and started editing a DCO novel), did a bit of work on Sure Shot 2, did the first three exercises in the new craft book, and wrote one book review. Other things, like destiny, vampire, the flash pieces, and the new novella all got moved to the backburner–the novella is pretty much indefinitely on hold, and the stories will eventually get moved back onto my plate. I’m pleased that I got SOME things done, though, in spite of everything else!

In October, I’m planning to:

  • Revise tragic
  • Continue revising Sure Shot 2
  • Finish editing the DCO novel and proofread it
  • Proofread and layout the DCO novella
  • Do five more craft book exercises
  • Review two books
  • Write 31 drabbles for Drawlloween
  • Write a flash fiction piece
  • Watch more videos from past conventions

It’s quite a bit of work, but I think it’s manageable!

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