History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

The Magician in A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages

| September 5, 2024

The Magician tarot card deals with potential and pure willpower, and I combined those meanings for a focus on creation in the two poems representing that card in A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages. The first poem, simply titled “Creation,” explores the magic inherent in creating new things, regardless of the format. The second poem, […]

What I’m Reading, Watching, and Listening To, September 2024

| September 4, 2024

I’ve been on vacation, so my normal reading, watching, and listening to habits are a little off right now! Reading: Still books for review, and I’m going to be starting in on another writing craft book next week that has more reading portions, though not as many sections as The Wayward Writer. (I’ll be doing a […]

WriteHive Online Conference 2024: Fear Factors: A Horror Genre Master Class

| September 2, 2024

Now that the 2024 WriteHive Online Conference panels are available on their YouTube channel, I’m catching up on the ones I missed during the conference itself and sharing some of the things I gleaned from them here! I’ve caught up on a number of genre-specific panels, including Fear Factor: A Horror Genre Master Class. Horror […]