August 2024 Recap

The Fabulous Fox Theatre in St. Louis, after seeing Hamilton live!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 53
Acceptances received: 1
Rejections received: 39 (+2)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 27
New Submissions: 14
Stories out at the end of the month: 53
A weirdly parallel month, with the same number of pieces out at the beginning and end of the month! I had one acceptance for a poem (on its first submission!), and I finished a bunch of pieces (mostly poetry, but one flash fiction piece). I actually finished a few more poems, but they didn’t make it out in August, so they’re not reflected in the numbers here.
My writing in August was a little slower, between finishing up the move to the new office and spending part of the last week of the month in St. Louis, visiting my family and celebrating my youngest sister’s fortieth birthday! I also got to see some of my dear friends, one of whom I haven’t seen in person since I moved to Seattle, so that was an extra nice treat.
I finished the first draft of statues, but I didn’t quite finish destiny. I revised 16 of my 30 July poems, which were the ones I felt would be usable. I only wrote one flash fiction piece, rather than several. I assembled my next collection and did about half of the proofreading. The author of the DCO novella and I agreed on a different timeline, so I didn’t edit that yet. And I finished the craft book exercises and reviewed three books!
In September, I’m planning to:
- Finish drafting destiny
- Start drafting vampire
- Revise bounty
- Start revising tragic
- Finish proofreading my next collection, work out the cover art, and do the layout
- Edit the DCO novella
- Write a few flash fiction pieces
- Start revising Sure Shot 2
- Work on the characters for a new novella
- Start working through a new craft book (three exercises)
- Write two book reviews
This is quite a bit more, but now that I’m home from traveling, I’m hoping to get a lot more done!