Fun for Friday: September Historic Events

Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay
While I wasn’t able to find a page with many “weird” historic events for September, I’ve got a couple of options for those looking for historical events to inspire your writing or other creative endeavors.
Restless (a UK-based site) has a list of twenty-two historic events that happened in September, nearly one for every day of the month! While many of these are UK events, there are world events included as well, and the year range they have is pretty astonishing! There are a couple of days where they double up on events, but you could almost use this article as a writing prompt for most days of the month!
For a much more comprehensive list of September historic events, check out this list from The History Place! They’ve got multiple events for every day of the month, and they’ve included birthdays of prominent figures as well. You could have a lot of fun by fictionally transporting one of those birthday celebrants to a historic event on the day of their birth in a different era! (I’ve also got a bonus birthday to add, since today is my baby sister’s 40th birthday! So toss in a hilarious and spunky lady named Megan if you want to write about a currently non-historic birthday celebrant. Stay tuned, though. She’ll probably be famous some day!)
Check back early next month for more weird or interesting history to inspire your writing!