History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

“The Price” in Dead-Starred Futures

“The Price” is a short flash fiction piece that deals with a weighty subject–in a world impacted by climate change and rising sea levels, what price might someone be willing to pay to save other peoples’ lives. The prompt for this story came from the Furious Fiction Flash Challenge (write a flash fiction story of fewer than 500 words in 55 hours, over a weekend), which I haven’t done in quite some time. That inspired the setting to be near a body of water, and gave me a few additional elements of the story, but then the rest just flowed out.

“The Price” originally appeared in New Maps in July 2022, and was reprinted in Dead-Starred Futures in August 2023, alongside many other dystopian sci-fi tales!

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