History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Poetry in Conceits of Whim and Fancy

Included inĀ Conceits of Whim and Fancy are ten poems, all of which are loosely fantasy poems. Several of them, including “For My Sisters, A Bequest,” “The Sea Sings Back,” and “Old Bones,” were published in other magazines before appearing in Conceits, while others, like “Danse Macabre” and “A Secret in Plain Sight” were new to this collection.

The tones of the poems vary widely, with some featuring necromancers and a violent sea, with others, like “The Dragon’s Hoard” and “The Wisdom of Leaves,” being more gentle and cozy poetry.

If you enjoy fantasy poetry (along with short stories and flash fiction, check out Conceits of Whim and Fancy, available in ebook or print!

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