July 2024 Recap

We do not know what happened to the end of July …
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 46
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 32
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 39
New Submissions: 1
Stories out at the end of the month: 53
Despite all of the shenanigans of July, my submission numbers went up a little bit this month. Not quite where I would like them to be, but getting better. I only finished one new piece, a flash fiction story, though I worked on other things that just aren’t quite done yet.
I wound up writing 30 pieces of poetry in July (that very last day was the one that got me–no ideas and no time!), doing the layout for the couple of DCO books, starting work on my short story collection, the four craft book exercises, and wrote a book review. I also wrote the above-mentioned flash and outlined a short story that I’ve worked on a bit.
We’ve finally completed the office move and are mostly settled into our new space, so I anticipate the day job finally calming down a bit. Plus, my commute is MUCH shorter now, and if I drive to the office, I’m home in 10-15 minutes. (The bus commute is not much shorter, only because the bus I have to take does a lot of loops through various locations. But it’s a nice time to crochet or knit.)
In August, I’m planning to:
- Draft two short stories (statues and destiny)
- Revise the poems from July
- Write a handful of flash fiction pieces
- Assemble and proofread my short story collection
- Start editing a DCO novella (may finish the edit, too)
- Do the last three craft book exercises
- Review three books (one of which I’m writing a blurb for!)
So it’s a bit busier, but pretty manageable, I think!