History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Seattle Summers and the Apocalypse

Cover art for Scenes from a Quiet ApocalypseIt seems like July is the month when Seattle remembers what summer is about, at least some years. As I look back over my Facebook memories, I often see comments on the hot weather once July opens. This year is no exception, with 80+ degree temperatures dragging on for multiple days.(*)

As such, my mind is drifting back to 2017, when I spent July writing Scenes from a Quiet Apocalypse as part of that year’s Write Like You’re Alive challenge. Though it’s not explicitly stated, this novella takes place in Seattle, and because I was writing it in the summer, that’s also when it’s set. And for Destiny, who spends most of the novel living outdoors, that summer weather is certain to have made her miserable even as she dealt with other, more pressing problems!

Without warning, most of humanity stopped speaking. Acting in silent unison, they overthrew the world in service to an unknown force. Their takeover was swift and decisive. Those who were not among them were left to rot in the streets.

Destiny is one of the Untouched, unaffected by the Silent Upheaval, and also something more. As she travels through the post-apocalyptic city she once called home, she meets those who will help her and those who will hinder her as she seeks what caused the Quiet Ones to emerge and takes the fight to their home in the Silent Core.

Scenes from a Quiet Apocalypse is available in ebook only!

* For those outside of the Seattle area who are scoffing at 80+ degrees as being “not that hot,” bear in mind that very few people in Seattle have air conditioning in their homes, because prior to ten years ago or so, you only needed it one week out of the year. Now we regularly have weeks or months of 80+ temps, the sun doesn’t set until around 9 p.m. (and some days, that means it doesn’t start cooling off outside until after then), and there has been wildfire smoke on and off for the past half dozen years or so.

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