History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Recent Fantasy Short Stories and Poetry

I’ve had a handful of fantasy short stories and poetry out since my last round-up post!

In November 2023, “Family Tree” appeared in Wyldblood Magazine. This story follows an orphaned teenage girl living with her aunt and uncle and what happens when she tires of their ill treatment of her.

My flash fiction piece, “Mutualism by Any Other Name,” appeared in Factor Four Magazine in April 2024. This one has mostly non-human characters, specifically a grove of trees, deciding how to deal with the consequences of humans warring with one another.

And of course, in May 2024, I put out A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages, which is a collection of fantasy stories and poetry themed around the Major Arcana of the tarot. Each of the Major Arcana has two pieces associated with it, frequently a brief poem coupled with a piece of fiction, that illustrate some of the meanings of the Major Arcana!

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