Coming Soon: The Non-Player Review of Video Games

Image by AlohaWorld from Pixabay
Jeremy recently told me about Girlfriend Review, which is a YouTube channel where a video gamer’s girlfriend (now wife) talks about video games that her boyfriend/husband is playing. And he suggested that maybe this was something I might do on my blog (since there’s no way in heck I’m doing this on YouTube or Twitch or any video platform).
So coming soon, I’ll have occasional Wednesday posts featuring my opinions on video games I have experienced by sitting in the same room while my husband plays them. I’m going to call mine “The Non-Player Review of Video Games,” and it will include things like which characters I like best (based solely on their dialogue) from specific games, which games have the best background music, and more. My reviews probably won’t be helpful in the slightest, but I hope they’ll be entertaining!
Important Notes:
- All opinions will be my own. You can disagree all you want, but that won’t make my opinions wrong.
- Occasionally, I will talk about games I played to share anecdotes about how BADLY I played them.
- I don’t play console video games because I get motion sickness from a lot of them and TERRIBLE at others. (See above. I’ll definitely post about the time my nephew took away my controller so I’d stop messing up his game. And the time a seven-year-old effectively told me “get good, n00b”.)
- I won’t take requests for games to review, because I can only base this on the ones I’ve observed, which are the ones Jeremy plays.
- We don’t own a functional or current gen PlayStation, so if it’s a PlayStation exclusive, it won’t be on here … unless it’s an OLD PlayStation exclusive that he played a long time ago that I still remember.