History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Sparx and Arrows–Cobalt City Short Story Collection

Cover art for Sparx & ArrowsMost of my writing in the Cobalt City Universe has been short stories. My collection, Sparx and Arrows, includes the FIRST story I wrote in that shared universe, “Daddy’s Little Girl,” set in the late nineteenth century, in which a young Eleanor Castile temporarily takes on the mantle of the Huntsman when her father is injured. In addition to that Huntsman story, I’ve also got one featuring Sarah Castile as the European Huntsman after World War II, and there’s a third story featuring Marcus Castile, the young Huntsman of the early 2000s.

This collection also includes some Kara Sparx stories, as Kara was another character I wrote especially as I was first dipping my feet into the shared universe. “Unexpected Sparx” features Kara and her robot companion Lumien at a dark carnival, and her young niece also plays a role in the heroics. I wrote another Kara story for this collection as well in which she travels to an alternate dimension, and finally, she teams up with Marcus Castile for the final story.

While two of the stories in this collection were published in early Cobalt City anthologies, those anthologies are pretty hard to find these days. But you can read all five of the stories in Sparx and Arrows!

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