History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Coming Soon: The Non-Player Review of Video Games

| July 3, 2024

Jeremy recently told me about Girlfriend Review, which is a YouTube channel where a video gamer’s girlfriend (now wife) talks about video games that her boyfriend/husband is playing. And he suggested that maybe this was something I might do on my blog (since there’s no way in heck I’m doing this on YouTube or Twitch […]

Sparx and Arrows–Cobalt City Short Story Collection

| July 2, 2024

Most of my writing in the Cobalt City Universe has been short stories. My collection, Sparx and Arrows, includes the FIRST story I wrote in that shared universe, “Daddy’s Little Girl,” set in the late nineteenth century, in which a young Eleanor Castile temporarily takes on the mantle of the Huntsman when her father is injured. […]

Accepting Imperfection in Your Drafts

| July 1, 2024

Many writers who are not perfectionists in other aspects of their life suddenly seem to develop this trait when faced with an imperfect draft. They become certain that if their first draft isn’t beautiful, it’s not worth calling it finished, and they tinker with it ceaselessly. I’m here to say: let it go. Your first […]