History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

“Desperate and Rebellious Hearts” in Unfixed Timelines 3

My theme for stories this week is apparently Norway, as my fantastical history short story “Desperate and Rebellious Hearts” is set in Norway, far to the north in Vardo. I started this story with research about the Vardo witch trials in the seventeenth century, and while the witch in my story isn’t on trial, she’s conscious of the fate that will befall her if word gets out regarding her magical abilities.

For the essay that accompanies this story inĀ Unfixed Timelines 3, I wrote about the Vardo witch trials and the Sami, an Indigenous group from Norway, which was also swept up in the witch trials.

You can only read “Desperate and Rebellious Hearts” in Unfixed Timelines 3 or Unfixed Timelines Omnibus!

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