History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Short Stories at WriteHive Online Conference

During the WriteHive Online Conference this a couple of weekends ago, I was one of the panelists for “Making Each Word Count: A Short Story Master Class.” We had a great conversation about writing and publishing short fiction, from our individual perspectives and offering advice to authors who are interested in that length. The other panelists had amazing publishing credentials (and mine are also great!), so it was a delight to find all of us on the same page on a lot of important topics, while also shedding light on the different approaches that authors can take in writing, revising, and selling those stories!

The recording of this panel will be available on the WriteHive YouTube channel in the very near future, so be sure to favorite that channel so you’ll get notified when they have the new uploads!

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