New Spooky Pieces

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay
If you like to read spookier pieces, here’s some of my recent horror and dark publications!
Unfixed Timelines 3 includes several historical fiction pieces with darker themes, including “Charcoals from an Unidentified Chicago Artist” and “Green-Eyed Phantom.” Though neither of these are horror, they definitely delve into the darker side of history and fiction.
My drabble “Different” in Black Hare Press’s Year Five anthology and my drabble “Dead Planet” in Drabbledark III are both dark sci-fi takes on aliens arriving on Earth and what the results might be.
A few of the pieces in A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages lean a little into the darker side of things, including “Chrysopoeia,” “The Battle Unending,” and “No Harm Ever Came from Reading a Book.
And of course, you can find my darker collections in Volatile Figments, Doorways in the Gloom, and Dead-Starred Futures, along with my YA horror epistolary novella, Camp Haunt.