History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: July 2024 Writing Prompts!

| June 28, 2024

July is almost here, so it’s time for the July 2024 writing prompts! This month, all of the prompts come from a variety of art challenges, though all of them are somewhat generically themed. The second and third columns definitely have more of a July or summer flavor, while the first column has some summer […]

“Desperate and Rebellious Hearts” in Unfixed Timelines 3

| June 27, 2024

My theme for stories this week is apparently Norway, as my fantastical history short story “Desperate and Rebellious Hearts” is set in Norway, far to the north in Vardo. I started this story with research about the Vardo witch trials in the seventeenth century, and while the witch in my story isn’t on trial, she’s […]

Review of The Forest of Stolen Girls by June Hur

| June 26, 2024

I finally got to read The Forest of Stolen Girls by June Hur (Feiwel & Friends, 2021), which is her second historical fiction young adult mystery novel, set in fifteenth century Korea on the island of Jeju. This is the third of Hur’s books I’ve read, and I adored it just as much as I loved […]

“Seeds of Knowledge” in Dead-Starred Futures

| June 25, 2024

My microfiction piece “Seeds of Knowledge” was inspired by watching some videos about the Svalbard seed vault in Norway and imagining how a similar facility on an alien planet, where explorers don’t read the language, might look. Compared to other stories in Dead-Starred Futures, it seems a bit more positive on the surface, but the lack […]

Interesting Observation about Cover Design

| June 24, 2024

While talking about books and authors with my mother-in-law a couple of weeks ago, she realized she had read two of the books by a best-selling author we know, but she’d missed that there was a third book. I showed her the cover for the third book, to see if she recognized it (since she’d […]

Fun for Friday: Instagram Writing Prompts from DefCon One!

| June 21, 2024

It’s time for some more prompts from the DefCon One Instagram account! Write a piece about a map that leads to a surprising celestial location. Write a piece about a rumor with surprising implications. Write a piece about a teacher outside of the classroom. Follow the DefCon One Instagram account for writing prompts every other Friday, or […]

“Fashion Statement” in Conceits of Whim and Fancy

| June 20, 2024

My short story “Fashion Statement” started out as a flash fiction piece, inspired by the title “The Ladies Wove Baskets of Steel.” Early on in the process, I changed “baskets” to “dresses,” and the original story had a single dress made from steel to dissuade the suitors of a princess reluctant to marry. From the […]

Coming Later in 2024: Two Stories in Rescuing Curiosity!

| June 19, 2024

During the 2024 WriteHive online conference, they announced the table of contents for the upcoming Rescuing Curiosity anthology, and I’m pleased to say that TWO of my stories made the list! “It Can’t Be Sunday Everywhere at Once” is a sci-fi story involving refugees on a long-term space voyage and how one young woman came up […]

Coming in July: An (Un)helpful Guide to Writing a Novel

| June 18, 2024

I’ve spent a lot of time preparing to publish An (Un)helpful Guide to Writing a Novel, my non-fiction, tongue-in-cheek, guide for aspiring novel writers. In large part, some of the humor in this book is the fact that I do not enjoy writing novels, but I’ve got advice to share about the process. The other part […]

Short Stories at WriteHive Online Conference

| June 17, 2024

During the WriteHive Online Conference this a couple of weekends ago, I was one of the panelists for “Making Each Word Count: A Short Story Master Class.” We had a great conversation about writing and publishing short fiction, from our individual perspectives and offering advice to authors who are interested in that length. The other […]