History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

“Áftharto Sóma” in Unfixed Timelines 3

My story “Áftharto Sóma” was inspired by a theme of “dissection” for a monthly flash fiction writing prompt. It involved research into the historical practice of dissection in the British colonies in North America and the early United States (among other locations and time periods, as I searched for the right one). After coming across information about participation in duels being grounds for giving up rights to your corpse being dissected, I’d found my story. The title is a rough translation of “unbreakable body” in Greek, the place of origin for my characters.

There have been a number of media pieces (written and otherwise) that skirt the history of dissection laws, so this involved a lot of additional digging to figure out what was accurate and inaccurate in that portrayals, and Unfixed Timelines 3 includes my essay summarizing my research as related to this particular story. You can find “Áftharto Sóma” and this essay only in Unfixed Timelines 3 and Unfixed Timelines Omnibus!

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