March 2024 Recap

Foggy is working on his plan for the week.
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 115
Acceptances received: 1
Rejections received: 61 (+10)
Stories withdrawn: 1
Resubmissions: 44
New Submissions: 6
Stories out at the end of the month: 91
March was a little slow on many fronts. I finished six new pieces (all flash), and while I submitted a reasonable amount, I also had a lot of rejections come in (and a lot of markets that I marked as never responded). Gonna try to get started on better footing in April!
I did have one acceptance, which came out yesterday, in fact! “Mutualism by Any Other Name” is in the April issue of Factor Four Magazine!
In March, I also got A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages completely set up (more on that later), revised four of my pieces from the flash fiction contest, wrote a couple new flash fiction pieces, wrote five poems for the contest, did four craft book exercises, and proofread a DCO book. I worked on atoll but didn’t finish it (it’s creeping toward novelette length), put off the non-fiction project until April, and put off the next novella project to November. There were a lot of things that pushed me toward loosening my schedule this month, and I’m glad I did so–sometimes, even I’m only capable of so much!
In April, I plan to:
- Finish writing atoll
- Start writing recluse
- Revise poems from March
- Write two to four new flash fiction pieces
- Edit and proofread my non-fiction project
- Start editing a DCO collection
- Layout for a DCO novel
- Do four craft book exercises
- Review a book
Not too bad–I think I learned my lesson in March, and I’m giving myself a bit slower of a schedule for a bit … in theory.