February 2024 Recap

Stormy likes napping right here!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 116
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 41 (+3)
Stories withdrawn: 4
Resubmissions: 41
New Submissions: 8
Stories out at the end of the month: 115
February has continued January’s trend of being a good time to finish pieces. One of my new submissions this month was the short story I finished on January 31st, but I also finished two other short stories and five flash fiction pieces. I had two pieces accepted in February as well, one of which has just come out, and the other of which won’t be out until 2025. But I don’t mind the wait!
In February, I sent my non-fiction project to a potential publisher. I heard back from them with an explanation of why the book didn’t work for their press in particular (though they were encouraging that it was a good book), so I’m going to wind up self-publishing this project this summer!
I also completed the first pass of revisions on my superhero novella and sent that out to a beta reader. I’ve decided that it’s going to need more revisions down the road, so I’m going to delay self-publishing this one until late in 2024.
I finished chapel and seance, but I didn’t quite get done with cloak and neglect. I also started drafting atoll, which is going smoothly if slowly, as it involves a lot of research. I wrote three new flash pieces for submissions, two for the contest, and revised a couple from the contest. I also chugged along on my craft book exercises, reviewed two books, assembled my next collection, edited a DCO book, and laid out another DCO book. It was a BUSY month!
In March, I plan to:
- Proofread, layout and cover art for my collection
- Finish writing atoll
- Write two to four new flash fiction pieces (some may overlap)
- Revise two or more flash fiction pieces from the contest
- Write five poems for a contest
- Do four craft book exercises
- Start developing characters for my next novella project
- Start editing/restructuring my non-fiction project
- Proofread a DCO book
This is a little lighter than some months, in part because I’m taking a lot of time to write atoll. But I also have a busy weekend schedule through all of March, so the lighter work load is a good thing!