November 2023 Recap

Behold my glorious not-quite-lattice-top apple pie! Gluten-free crust by Jeremy, attempted latticing by me!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 100
Acceptances received: 3
Rejections received: 55 (+1)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 44
New Submissions: 2
Stories out at the end of the month: 86
November was a busy month with NaNoWriMo, and unsurprisingly, my submissions suffered a bit. I only wrote two new short pieces–a drabble and a flash, and I didn’t make a ton of submissions. But I did have three acceptances–two reprint flash for a podcast, and another flash for a newer market. Excited for all three of those!
As I mentioned in my post yesterday, I completed both a non-fiction and a fiction project for this year’s NaNoWriMo, clocking in together at 75,000 words and change. This is A LOT of words. I wrote my planned flash fiction piece and the bonus drabble, worked on craft book exercises, wrote some book reviews, and edited one book and proofread another. So all according to the plan!
In December, I need to:
- Write a new short story (parade)
- Start expanding another short story (sugar)
- Revise a short story (dam)
- Revise my Drawlloween pieces
- Do four craft book exercises
- Review two books
- Proofread two DCO books
- Start editing another DCO book
I’m also learning to do layout for our DCO print books and am hoping to learn how to do the ebooks as well. While Jeremy does the bulk of our layout, I also know we’ve got a BUSY release schedule next year, so I’m chipping in to learn how to do enough that I can help out more!